
Ten reasons why you need a web-to-print solution

Learning how an online e-commerce platform can take your business communication to the next level takes just three minutes. Discover below what a web-to-print storefront can do for your company.

Create a library of print products

Web-to-print makes it easy to offer an up-to-date catalog of print products. New stationery, brochures, leaflets, catalogs, or displays are instantly available. It resolves the issue that 84% of marketers have already experienced: distributing outdated marketing materials because of slow or inaccurate internal supply chains.

Order print anytime and anywhere

Over 85% of the people with internet access have experience with online purchases. They increasingly expect the same tools to be available in their work environment. Web-to-print gives them those possibilities, regardless of their location or time zone.

Streamline the purchasing process

A web-to-print system improves end-to-end visibility by providing its users with a uniform way of ordering print and managing delivery. It reduces the number of people and steps that are involved in obtaining print material. The result is a shorter time from concept to marketplace.

Make it easy to customize print

An Online Editor enables users to design and edit their documents while maintaining brand guidelines. Occasional users will appreciate the easy-to-use forms that allow them to personalize cards, letterhead or posters. Power users will like the advanced editing capabilities for creating visually rich, multi-page publications.

Effortless repeat orders

Web-to-print users can see their purchase history and reorder print with just a few mouse clicks. They can even reorder personalized documents and make last-minute changes if needed. This saves time and avoids double data entry.

Implement an order approval cycle

You can configure that all orders have to be approved before they are forwarded to the print service provider. An e-mail can inform you about pending orders requiring approval. This allows you to monitor spending and validate the content of personalized documents.

Keep track of order fulfillment

Users can check the status of pending orders at any point in time. They get an e-mail confirmation of each order, a notification when it ships and the option to track delivery by services like UPS, FedEx or DHL. This avoids time-consuming phone calls and interruptions.

Keep track of inventory

33% of marketers surveyed by a CMO Council study had no form of inventory management and significantly more had no real-time access to inventory or utilization levels. An e-commerce platform enables you to keep track of your inventory of both print and non-print products.

Monitor costs

Administrators can view sales graphs online or export an Excel spreadsheet that provides data about all the orders for a specific time frame. This makes it easy to monitor the effective use of print.

Save time

An online print store reduces the number of people and steps that are involved in obtaining print material. The result is shorter time from concept to marketplace.

全新Amfortis v2丨易客发(ECO3)宣布进一步研发包装工作流程解决方案

全新Amfortis v2丨易客发(ECO3)宣布进一步研发包装工作流程解决方案





——Andy Grant,易客发(ECO3)全球软件主管



为Amfortis添加了另一个级别的自动化,Amfortis v2引入了Autofill,这是一个新的生产力特性,旨在增强版本管理。它的工作原理是将不同的工作组合在最佳的纸张布局中,以最大限度地利用打印机并加快交货时间。为了节省纸张以提高可持续性,还开发了更好的处理溢出重叠的方法,即在一个地方手动更改会自动应用于相同布局中的所有类似重叠。






Amfortis v2引入的新功能是WebApproval,它通过提供一个易于使用的工具来查看和批准打印就绪文件,从而简化了打印买家和客户之间的沟通。

“全新的Amfortis V2.0功能使我们能够高效和高度自动化地生产包装作业。”
Andy Grant总结道:“我们的重点是满足客户的需求,在Amfortis v2中,我们大大改进了我们的包装产品,为印刷商提供了巨大的竞争优势,这将帮助他们将业务提升到一个新的水平。展望未来,我们现在已经准备好迎接下一个挑战,因为我们将继续为包装建立一个专门而全面的生态系统。”



我们的解决方案旨在在印刷过程的每个阶段提供更高的生产力、更低的成本和更加环保的结果。YOU PRINT. WE CARE.